
Dear members of the Providence Family in the world,

After having walked with Jesus during this LENT, we are reaching with Him to EASTER. We wish that all the graces of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus accompany you, all along your life!

We have lived few excellent days with the visit of SrMartheDachet, Superior General of Champion, Sr Eliana Martins Rosa , Superior General of Gap, and Sr Marie Isabel Cabezas who was the Superior Provincial of Equator who accompanied the first sisters of this mission from the beginning.


Our Superiors had the opportunity to listen to the coordinators of each group and to understand how every activity is organized with our brothers and sisters of Haiti.

They met and talked with Mgr Yves Marie Pean, Bishop of the diocese of Gonaives. Also they had a meeting with our Parish Priest, Fr IsaacPrevillon. As a great gift to us, during their visit of 4 days, twice we had Eucharistic celebration here!


From 17th to 19thFebruary, three of us with one of the coordinators of the Parish, we have participated in a seminar, organised by CLAR (Confederation Latin –America of Religious) à Port au Prince.

The theme was SYSTEMIC CHANGE. There we have been motivated to make net-work between Congregations and laity. It was insisted that our projects and activities should guide our brothers and sisters to become auto sufficient; we are with them to accompany them.

A group of young girls came up requesting us to teach them how to make the artificial flowers with paper. The people here like very much decorating for feasts. The natural flowers rare and very costly; what a chance for them to be able to make the flowers bythemselves!


Mrs. Marigarita Muciño, Mexican, was with us from 15th to 22nd March for teaching us about natural medicines and otheralternatives. We have profited well of her knowledge and experiences.

She made us to understand certain things for a better apostolate:


If we want to fulfil the objective of our projects and apostolate to help the people to become auto sufficient and take their own destiny in their hands then we should include agriculture and environment. We are reflecting how we are able to do it because it is a need which was perceived and expressed since 2 years by the people of this locality.

imgAbout the project of the WATER WITH BLESSINGS, we have visited the eleven localities. In each place there are 3 ladies who are responsible.

Because of the general Coordinator for Haiti, an Hytien who lives in United Sates to whom we send all the reports of the meetings and activities with photos and records, we receive more and more filters and equipment. Already 670 mothers have received the filters. We notice that with the use of the filtered water the sickness due to the intestinal worms have decreased so much.

Concerning all other activities each one continues with courage and responsibility.

Wholeheartedly we wish you

May God Providence and Blessed John Martin Moyë support us always!

Your sisters in Haiti:

Eva Magaña Esparza, de México 00 509 43 40 37 51

Ma. Augustine Kanjirakattukunnel,de la India 00 509 32 72 71 94

Eugenia Silva, de Ecuador 00 509 33 27 49 69
